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  • Happiness Of Soul

    Happiness Of Soul

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     Aura, it’s a shower of love by the grace of GOD. 

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  • Mindful Eating

    Mindful Eating

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    Mindful Eating can be a state of silence or emptiness of the mind that is not excessed by thoughts. Notice when food comes in front of you

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  • Importance of sleep

    Importance of sleep

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    The reason for proper functioning of this body is proper sleep. Sleep is that component of anyone’s life that if it becomes weak then it will affect the whole functioning of body and in return it’ll cause many physical and mental diseases.

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  • The True Significance Of Republic Day

    The True Significance Of Republic Day

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    The festival of the Republic, this festival should really mean more than the hoisting of the flag, it should mean the creation of the kind of people who will take us there in the future where India will again be considered as VISHWA GURU. 

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  • Spirituality Part 2

    Spirituality Part 2

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    Prioritizing self-love is not selfish, it's essential

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To Be Lightened By Gratitude

Posted on: 18-02-2025

What is the role of gratitude and how does it inspire people to embrace joy and spread love?

Thankfulness, how beautifully it has become a trend today to thank everyone for small things like if someone opens the door for us, we feel thankful. It is now inbuilt in our system as manners. But here we are talking about the thankfulness from the heart. How thankful are we for the form in which God has given us all the arrangements? Almighty, who has given our body the kind of arrangements and the fooding system we have on earth? How are we living? What kind of emotions we are getting is a very deep subject. We are not able to express this gratitude to that God. But if that thankfulness comes in us for that God, then the work will be completed. This is called devotion. This is called knowledge.

This feeling of thankfulness for God, how can I bring it inside me?

Take for example an orange, the outer layer we peel it, then inside there is another packing, the granules. Does any packaging industry can pack anything in that format?  Who is giving a system that runs nature in such a beautiful way that we can never imagine. This is a matter of consideration. It means that everything is systematic for us today, if you leave absolutely everything where there is no arrangement for food, but there is that vegetation that is planted in nature, it’s for all of us at no cost. God has also provided medicines for the removal of sufferings coming in our way in form of leaves. The coconut water tree system is made where the humidity is high. These all things are more than enough to be thankful for that almighty.

So, the gratitude towards that almighty, it unburdens us.

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