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  • Happiness Of Soul

    Happiness Of Soul

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     Aura, it’s a shower of love by the grace of GOD. 

  • Mindful Eating

    Mindful Eating

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    Mindful Eating can be a state of silence or emptiness of the mind that is not excessed by thoughts. Notice when food comes in front of you

  • Importance of sleep

    Importance of sleep

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    The reason for proper functioning of this body is proper sleep. Sleep is that component of anyone’s life that if it becomes weak then it will affect the whole functioning of body and in return it’ll cause many physical and mental diseases.

  • The True Significance Of Republic Day

    The True Significance Of Republic Day

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    The festival of the Republic, this festival should really mean more than the hoisting of the flag, it should mean the creation of the kind of people who will take us there in the future where India will again be considered as VISHWA GURU. 

  • Spirituality Part 2

    Spirituality Part 2

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    Prioritizing self-love is not selfish, it's essential

The True Significance Of Republic Day

Posted on: 22-02-2025

In life we always want freedom, every person wants to be free in himself. A person always wants to avoid that situation in any form where he is tied in the hands of others. With this spirit, the country's freedom struggle moved forward and every person decided to take the path of freedom but we may not be able to consider the real meaning of the republic today that the reality of life is to reach freedom in itself and not just the freedom of the country. 
Republic means not to be subject to any one ruler and it should be the dominion of all the people and to be the dominion of all the people means to come to that kind of systems in life in the country where after coming, we move away from the control of any ruler who considers it as his property and to come under the system where the administrator considers himself as an officer  and not as a person who thinks that he has authority over all of them.

Today, the situation that has been created in the society in which we are talking about our country, one behavior is clearly visible that whenever we come to a situation where we get an opportunity to serve, we begin to understand its right or even if we do not understand its right, then its arrogance comes to our mind. On this Republic Day, we should take inspiration from the fact that in life, while exercising our rights as administrators, if I talk about every section of the country, every religion, every caste, even every type of vegetation or conservation of water, we should work towards welfare in totality and not to take our interests into account.

On administrative level, whatever facilities we get either it’s in form of money or transportation, we need to understand that all these facilities are given so that we forget about our own struggles and focus only on the country or whatever work we have been authorized for. In today’s scenario we need to consider this thought as today situations are changing because in past whoever struggled for freedom and felt the happiness of freedom, at that time when the flag of independence was hoisted in 1947, during that time Republic Day was also considered as the day of binding. We need to think that it would be better if we try to understand the kind of development we need today from the point of view of the general public, all the basic necessities we call it in terms of Medical, education or infrastructure and move forward with unity. 

In the last few years, very good changes in infrastructure are being seen, which makes everyone happy. Whenever a person travels somewhere today, he gets a happy feeling from inside. What this idea presents is that whenever a system is presented in a smooth and good form, what kind of feelings are there, when those minds are happy, then its direct benefit goes to the person who is the motivator of those feelings, who has presented his first idea in furthering those developments. In the situation we are in today, it is most necessary that in our normal behaviors, the irritation word that is inside the mind, that is created should be at least. The kind of suffering that we have seen and felt when proper facilities of highways were not there, the suffering was different for every person according to his state of mind. Some people are seen misbehaving while being stuck in traffic; some people are seen very upset. Now with proper facility, we can feel how much peace there is in the state of mind while traveling on the highway. Now, when we talk about any type of taxation system, any type of system where we feel ourselves stuck in traffic, we feel the same kind of suffering. If it is a very simple system in which we need less of those colleagues who are overburdened today, so how to get out of these systems.  All these behaviors have to be taken into account. All these things which I have said in whatever form are the basic needs of our country today and we must consider them. 

And the meaning of the Republic is the same, where we talk for everyone, take everyone along, we talk about the sections of the society, but class is nothing, religion is nothing, in fact, if we talk in totality, every person is important in itself, every tree is important in itself, every stream is important in itself, every person exists as much as the collective exists in this creation. 
God has definitely given us a system that the whole creation is contained within one person, if only one person is prepared through the right means, then many behaviors are balanced in the creation. We have to work on the formation of such people so that in the future a huge behavior of that type of managerial administration is prepared in the country, the foundation of which we lay today. The festival of the Republic, this festival should really mean more than the hoisting of the flag, it should mean the creation of the kind of people who will take us there in the future where India will again be considered as VISHWA GURU.

Wishing you all a very Happy Republic Day. I pray that in life we may see everyone in the form that I just said, that all of us, whatever the type of authorized people who govern us, must pay attention to the implementation of all these behaviors.

Thank you




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