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  • Happiness Of Soul

    Happiness Of Soul

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     Aura, it’s a shower of love by the grace of GOD. 

    Read More Mindfulness
  • Mindful Eating

    Mindful Eating

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    Mindful Eating can be a state of silence or emptiness of the mind that is not excessed by thoughts. Notice when food comes in front of you

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  • Importance of sleep

    Importance of sleep

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    The reason for proper functioning of this body is proper sleep. Sleep is that component of anyone’s life that if it becomes weak then it will affect the whole functioning of body and in return it’ll cause many physical and mental diseases.

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  • The True Significance Of Republic Day

    The True Significance Of Republic Day

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    The festival of the Republic, this festival should really mean more than the hoisting of the flag, it should mean the creation of the kind of people who will take us there in the future where India will again be considered as VISHWA GURU. 

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  • Spirituality Part 2

    Spirituality Part 2

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    Prioritizing self-love is not selfish, it's essential

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Happiness Of Soul

Posted on: 14-02-2025

Which path should a man choose in his life, so that he can originate right actions from his mind?  How did you attain this knowledge, how did you walk on this path because it is very difficult to do all this in ordinary life?  

“Attainment of knowledge” This question is the answer in itself, knowledge is not actually attained, when we love God, it is received as a blessing. If we ever become the recipients of knowledge, then that knowledge cannot be the knowledge of the state which is going to give the feeling of the welfare of others with love in the mind. Knowledge is that which manifests itself. Knowledge attained from books is a matter of understanding, but self-revealed knowledge is very vast. Its expanse is very large, it is as vast as the creation of God. In fact, the state of life by which we get away from our state of suffering and anger is called God's love.  

If we want to understand the emotion of the mind, we need a guru for that or is there any other source through which we can understand all this? 

Initially, there is a need for a guru and it is not necessary for the guru to be in the attire of a sadhu, the guru can also be a friend, the guru can be husband and wife, the guru can be in any form, the guru is the one who has gravity inside him, ‘who pulls and the guru cannot be a person, it’s always a thought process of a person that attracts. Impermanence of the body is intact, but the ideas that Swami Vivekananda or any other influential personalities in our past gave us, then that idea is still intact, it is not the body, so in fact, the Guru is a personality, Guru is a behavior, Guru is the right idea, if we believe guru as a thought process of a person and not that body, then it is good for everyone. In today's society, if we consider guru as a person then somewhere flaw is coming, the reason is that, even a Guru is not able to maintain that dignity, then that too becomes a deficiency. So, there is plus and minus of everything and there are many systems working everywhere, anything can be seen negative, positive can also be seen, but the most important issue is that What is the situation of our own conscience, we get what we think. If we think positive, we’ll get positive, if we think negative, we’ll get negative. The effort should be to think about ourselves first or to work on our own conscience. 

If your mind is calm, then it reflects in your thoughts and in your behaviour, would like to say something on this? 

It is a very simple thing that if you ever go and sit near a calm minded person, then you will feel that you do not have any problem in going and sitting there, your desire to get up from there decreases. We often use the word ‘AURA’, What is AURA?  It’s nothing, it is in fact the love of God, a person with a kind heart attracts another person towards him. 

We always have difficulty in understanding whether to do religion or to do karma, then what is religion and karma in your sense and what is their correct definition and how can they be used by a human being?

If we are doing any work with authenticity, then that is religion, religion always teaches that if any work is done, then it should be done with the same dedication, it should be done with the same authenticity, I never feel the difference between religion and karma because if religion means temple, if religion means any place of worship or ashram, then it’s not completely correct. Religion means that what should be the karma of a human being, that is religion, then the work done in the best situation is converted into religion and if there is a lack of authenticity in doing it, then it is not religion. 


I have experienced where the problem is, the basic problem of the country is harassment of women, which is majorly inside the house and less outside, it’s not visible, women are not respected and the mother who gives birth to a child does not get respect and this problem is more here.  That sentiment is also wrong, many things are connected together, although it is not so today, but in spite of this, the vision of our male society is a little different, where there is working women, its effect is seen differently, there are different types of exploitation but there is exploitation. In fact, the society in which women are not seen from the respective angle, that society can never progress, this subject has to be understood and this idea has to go to the platform where effective steps should be taken for this, you cannot uplift women by giving reservation, I am saying that the matter of respect for women should be in the mind of us. Talking about that sentiment, it should definitely be a topic of discussion. 

There should be a subject on food which should run regularly. Our basic need is food, which should be brought as a subject. It also depends on what temperature we are living in, then what should be eaten in that temperature, what should be eaten in which months, so that our digestion system is better, I am not saying that we should opt for Gurukul culture, but we should at least take something from that. It is best to eat the food that is produced for the people living in that area, it is better, nature has provided so much arrangement. Now a days packaged food is widely accepted, I am not saying that it’s wrong but we should understand that what’s made in 2 mins is certainly not good for us. There must be proper understanding and a subject should be made for it. if we start today, then it will become a very big topic in the coming time. 


We have to change our attitudes, we have to go towards real maturity and if we keep expecting this from the people sitting on the throne all the time, then it is not good, we expect everything from a politician, it is not good, this awareness should be within the common man, we should work on it, that means we can never make someone guilty, a politician or a government. If there is a system, then it is our own system. That system did not come from anywhere else, if we think that this politician is wrong, then we are the ones who send it. So, we have to consider these things. The meaning of intellectuality has changed and things have become very different, so a person who thinks in the right direction is really good. 







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